Monday 23 June 2014

4 Breakfast Mistakes That Are Making You Gain Weight – How to Eat Breakfast

You already know that eating breakfast can help you slim down. But just because you are (hopefully!) making a concerted effort to rise and dine doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want when you wake up—sorry, but calories still count before noon. So we asked Lisa Young, Ph.D., a dietician in New York City and author of The Portion Teller Plan, for the top breakfast mistakes women make. Avoid these so your morning meal doesn’t mess with the number on the scale.
You Guzzle OJ
Juice is much higher in sugar and calories per serving than actual oranges themselves. Go for the real fruit instead, which is more filling and contains more fiber—so it keeps you fuller longer.
You Have a Big Bowl of Nutritious Cereal
Yes, you get points for skipping out on the Frosted Flakes. But even so, be sure to watch your portion sizes. Most people actually pour out way too much and end up having two to three servings of the stuff, taking in more calories than they need.
You’re a Bagel Junkie
Everything bagels with cream cheese are fine every once in a while, but think of them as a treat: Most bagels are equivalent to about five pieces of bread, calorie-wise (and that doesn’t even count all the toppings). On most days, you’ll want to stick to whole-wheat toast spread with natural peanut butter to get the bagel effect.
You Go for Fruit-on-the-Bottom Yogurt
Yes, yogurt is a good choice. But the sugary ones are loaded with extra calories you don’t need. Have plain low-fat yogurt instead, and top it with your own fruit to add sweetness.

From the webpage:


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